Indian Food Recommendations

Indian Food Recommendations

Every country in this world always has its own characteristics. One of them is from a culinary point of view. As is the case in India, which has a lot of typical food in that country.

Maybe you only know that India originates from historic buildings like the Taj Mahal or maybe because Bollywood films are so popular in almost every circle. Of course, the reviews in this article will help you to be more aware of the many other interesting things that India has, especially in terms of culinary tourism.

It should be noted that in this article there are recommendations for Indian food that you can try while visiting the country. Immediately, so that you are not curious anymore, this is a list of Indian food that you should not miss when visiting this country.

1. Samosas

Samosa is one of the typical Indian dishes which is very popular so far. Samosa itself is a cake that has a filling of potatoes, onions, chicken, beef or lamb and peas.

To serve samosa cakes, a frying or baking process is needed. It should be noted that unless food comes from India, it is free from eggs and milk. This is none other than because some Indians are very happy with vegetables.

Most Indian people are very happy to eat samosa cakes as a snack during the day or as a complement to a main dish.

2. Chicken Makhani

Different from the beginning which was only used as a complement. Indian food this time is often used as the main dish, namely chicken makhani or butter chicken.

Usually this food will have chicken filling along with tomato sauce seasoning which has been cooked in a clay or metal oven. The presence of thick red gravy in the chicken makhani dish usually comes from fresh tomatoes, garlic and cardamom.

Later, the spice sauce will be mashed first after it’s cooled. Next, the chefs who produce this dish will add butter, spices and Khoa, a kind of dry whole milk.

3. Naans

Next there is an Indian food called naan bread. Naan bread is also a typical Indian food which is so famous in every circle. Naan bread itself is a hollow bread that is processed together by baking it in the oven.

Usually, naan bread will be used as a complementary food in India. This bread has a texture that is so chewy and crunchy. The butter and garlic in the naan bread will add a very different taste when you eat it.

It should be noted, that there are more than one style of naan bread that has a different taste. Real naan bread will usually use butter and garlic. Apart from that, there is also a style of paneer naan, which is a type of bread that uses Indian cheese and chilinaan.

As for the chili naan bread itself, it is bread with a spicy taste image in which there is a choice of spices. So, what flavor do you prefer naan bread with?

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