Service Business Characteristics

Service Business Characteristics

Intangible Product

Service companies do not offer tangible products, but only value. This value has benefits provided to customers.

Main Activities Selling Services

In accordance with the understanding that has been explained, service businesses only sell and offer services from service employees. Subsequent services can be in the form of energy, mind, and other specific techniques.

Uncertain Service Prices

The price offered for one service product cannot be equated with other services. This relates to the expertise of service employees and consumer needs.

No Main Price

Because this business does not sell physical goods, this business does not require prices for raw materials. In the financial statements it cannot be observed and calculated from the cost of goods sold. But the price of services is mostly created from the results of services that have been provided, and high flying hours.

Definition of Construction Services

Construction Services is a construction work planning consulting service facility, construction work implementation service facility and construction work supervision consulting service facility.

From the definition provided in then within the community a “Construction Service Business” is formed, namely a business regarding “services” or services in the field of construction planners, executors and supervisors, all of whom are called “Service Providers”. On the other hand, the meaning of “service user” appears, namely those who provide additional work, which can be in the form of individuals, business entities or government agencies.

Thus it can be assumed that the definition of Construction Service Business is one of the businesses in the economic sector that is intertwined with a plan or implementation and or supervision of a construction/infrastructure activity to form a building or other physical form.

Why Businesses in the Service Sector Are More Profitable and Easier to Run

To build a good business in any field, you must think carefully about what kind of business you are going to undertake.

This new year is the right time for you to start a business, but before starting a business, make sure you have all the necessary preparations. The next preparation can be anything, be it the type of business opportunity you want to start, the capital to build your business and others.

The most important thing is when you want to start a business, make sure to choose the type of business that is suitable and in accordance with your passion. So if you can’t wait to start building your business, we will provide a choice of business opportunities in the service sector that are easy as well as profitable.

Before that, we will first examine why businesses or businesses in the service sector have more advantages.

Many beginners in the world of business and business do not realize that business in the service sector is more profitable and easier to run compared to selling a product or goods.

Various Kinds of Construction Services Business

A construction planner is a provider that provides planning services in construction which includes a series of activities starting from development studies to the formation of construction work contract documents. This construction planner is usually called the Planning Consultant (team Leader). The scope of activities includes survey activities, lay planning, project feasibility study, operation and maintenance planning.

Construction planning is absolutely essential because these matters will relate to the preparation of tender documents, the steps for determining the amount of the required fee, the work schedule, environmental impact, environmental safety, material availability, logistics, public inconvenience related to the construction profession, and decisions -other provisions that may occur during construction work.

A construction contractor is a provider who provides construction work services which includes a flow of activities or components of the activity starting from the preparation of the field to the final delivery of the results of the construction work. The executor of the construction is called the Construction Contractor who is the project manager/head of the project. The contractor’s duty is to carry out a planning result into a building form or other physical form.