Food Recommendations Suitable

Food Recommendations Suitable For Diet

Diet is often associated with weight loss. That’s why many people focus more on blocking food intake and doing high-intensity exercise to burn fat. In fact, the main target of the diet is to get an ideal and healthy body. In addition to limiting the amount of food that enters the body, there are several foods for the diet that must also be consumed.

However, how to choose food for a healthy diet? Of course, the next meal must have a high percentage of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins and healthy fats. Here are some suggested diet foods that you should try!


Apart from chicken breast, eggs can also be a food choice for the diet. Not only friendly on the pocket, eggs are also rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, and choline. If you want to be even healthier, you can just consume the egg whites. Generally, one egg white contains 406 grams of protein as an energy source. You can consume eggs by boiling them to get the best percentage.

Lean Beef

There are still many who think that meat is a food that cannot be consumed while on a diet. In fact, there are parts of meat that do not contain a lot of fat. This section is usually contained around the neck or outer has. This lean meat contains protein, iron, vitamins, minerals, zinc, and vitamin B12. To enjoy it, you can cook beef by boiling, steaming, or roasting it without fat on a non-stick pan.


The legume group also includes foods for a good diet. Nuts contain various vitamins and minerals, especially iron and folate which are good for preventing anemia. In addition, nuts are also high in protein and fiber to keep you full longer. You can choose soybeans, peanuts, or red beans for a variety of dishes.


Salmon has a high percentage of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. The protein available in salmon itself can serve as a source of energy. While the percentage of available omega 3 fatty acids can help prevent inflammation and obesity in a person.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast that has a high percentage of iron and protein. In general, this chicken breast can be processed and cooked without using the skin. This chicken breast part also contains less saturated fat which is good for the body compared to other parts of the chicken meat.


Tuna can be a food that makes you skinny because it is low in calories and high in protein. Tuna is also one of the fish meat that is low in fat, so it is safe unless consumed in large quantities but always not excessive.


Food for a diet that is no less good is wheat because of the high fiber contained in it. By changing the source of carbohydrates to wheat, you will be full longer so you can avoid overeating. Instead, choose whole wheat because this type of wheat is not mixed with other ingredients. Start consuming wheat as a breakfast menu to start a healthy diet.

Maintaining a healthy body is something that must be done considering that fitness is very valuable. For this reason, not only taking care of your daily intake of food for the diet above, you also have to take care of yourself with protective benefits from Prudential Indonesia. Click here and follow Prudential Indonesia’s Instagram to find out more about the world of insurance! Foods in the form of gluten free also have many benefits for our bodies, see also the next article to explain the benefits of gluten free foods.

Feeling bored with processed food for diet? immediately visit the restaurant lcbcbend because there is low-fat food available which is suitable for those of you who are on a diet. So much from me, thanks.